A review by lt_tara
Hate Notes by Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland


It's a low 4 star but I couldn't bring myself to give it 3.5 because the ending made me really emotional.
Vi and Penelope always write good books that I really enjoy and I'm more than willing to read many more books by these ladies. Hate Notes was a little different from their other stories but the main trade marks stayed the same. I was really happy and kind of relieved to find out that this book didn't have a crazy ex or a secret child because to be quite honest I've seen these ladies tackle these issues before and I wanted to read about something else. And I'm glad they decided to use a different plot than in the other books. I got very emotional towards the end of the book and the epilogue made me tear up a little which doesn't happen to me at all.

I enjoyed the banter and the hate to love relationship between Reed and Charlotte quite a bit. They were really funny and their arguments were entertaining to say the least.
Beginning of this book was so great but the middle part got pretty repetitive over some time because once Charlotte and Reed established their liking of each other the scenes became pretty similiar.

Charlotte was a great main character. I liked her boldness and I loved how she just couldn't keep her mouth shot and it got her in trouble multiple times. She was hilarious but also really kind and caring and also driven.

Reed was this typical asshole-ish love interest that had a heart of gold that's just typical for Vi and Penelope. Nontheless I still very much enjoyed his character and personality. And once we learned his "secret" I was rooting for him.

What annoyed me was how long it took for Reed to get his head out of his ass. That guy was fucking unbelievable sometimes. And I got pretty pissed when he finally decided to tell Charlotte about his feelings because he was so stubborn but the second he heard about other guy liking Charlotte he was like fuck it and went after her even though five seconds ago he was telling everybody and their mother he couldn't be with her.

My favorite person though was Iris. I absolutely adored that woman. She was so sneaky and clever. And she was the biggest match maker ever. I loved watching her tell lies to both Reed and Charlotte just to get them in the same place.

Overall I had a very fun time reading this book because Vi and Pen always put some deep stuff into their books that makes the characters feel more human and relatable. In this book it was Charlotte's mom and Reed's ex and health. But man the ending. I loved the epilogue so much and I also really loved that I flew through this book. I forgot I was even reading. It went by so fast. I can't wait to read more from these ladies in the future.