A review by si0bhan
Witch's Brew, by Heidi R. Kling


I really feel as though I’m part of the minority with this one. A lot of people seem to enjoy this book, yet I couldn’t really get into it. I tried – oh, I tried so hard – but in the end, I couldn’t finish it.

I admit that such a thing is rare for me, but it does occasionally happen. I’m also trying to force a new rule onto myself: to stop reading books I’m not enjoying. Since joining BookBub the number of books on my Kindle has boomed. There are now over a thousand books sitting on there, simply because I cannot ignore the word ‘free’. I’ve forced my way through a number I’ve not enjoyed, and that needs to end. If I’m not enjoying it, I need to move on to something else.

Thus, Witch’s Brew became the first book to experience the new rule.

I cannot really place my finger on the specific thing that prevented me from enjoying the story. What I read felt far too much like every other young adult book on the market – you know what I mean, the whole special snowflake and forbidden love interest shebang. I can deal with this, though. However, to want to continue the story needs something that really shines. I worked through a decent percentage of the story, but nothing overly wonderful was appearing. There wasn’t that extra ‘wow’ factor. Moreover, I never really came to enjoy the voice of the story.

Sadly, this one was not for me. I’m sure it appeals to many others, yet I couldn’t bring myself to finish this one.