A review by dubvanna
Fatalism by LK Collins


I reviewed this book for Book Nerds Anonymous at:


My Review…

I gave Fatalism 3.5 out of 5 Book Nerds

*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.*

Fatalism: Defined as a doctrine that events are fixed in advance so that human beings are powerless to change them. Fate is a funny thing really, and this book title encompasses everything true to the meaning. Alexa Schaefer is a 28 year old woman who really has her shit together, She works for a very successful law firm, has the perfect car, perfect condo, and perfect Best friend. What she doesn’t have is a man! This is of course because of her own insecurities, she lived a life where she was verbally and emotionally abused by her mother. In turn this has caused her to build up emotional walls which she has no intention of lowering for any man. It turns out that fate has other plans for Alexa, and his name is Vincent.

This story is a true whirlwind romance, mixed in with A LOT of sexy times!! When Alexa and Vincent first meet at a club they are instantly drawn to one another. Animal magnetism would describe these two perfectly! Alexa wastes no time being the aggressor, I wouldn’t either Vincent is HOT! They have a pretty steamy kiss in the club before her friend Cara carts her away into the night. Alexa feels oddly primal and vindicated with her newly found bout of courage! In fact even though she feels like she will never see him again, she knows that she can’t ever forget him.

This story moved REALLY fast for me. I am a huge fan of build up and angst. And even thought the HOT scenes were super hot, they kind of over took the plot for me. I kept hoping for something to happen that would make me flinch, or cry, or feel. And it did, not until further along in the book though. And when it got interesting I really had to keep going, because at this point I just really needed to know what was going to happen. It wasn’t some huge blow up or anything monumental, but there are a few things that happen that really work well for the story.

Vincent Mileski is a very successful attorney who has had his fair share of heartbreak from a previous relationship. He decides to move back to Colorado where he’s from, to try and just be normal and escape his past hurt. What he doesn’t know is that the voracious creature that pummeled his mouth that night in the club just so happens to work at the very law firm in which he is now partner. Alexa has unknowingly been exchanging emails with a man named Kane, preparing him for his arrival. What SHE doesn’t know is that Kane is Vincent, Vincent Kane Mileski. So when she comes face to face with him for the first time in the board room she is visibly taken back. His all-knowing cocky attitude stirring her up even more by having the audacity to bring her Starbucks, which soon becomes kind of “their thing”. This starts Vincent’s determinate plan to have Alexa for his own. He wants her, even though they’ve only met the one time. He makes it his goal to pursue her in every way possible.

These two go back and forth with “should we” or “shouldn’t we” give each other a chance, or I should say Alexa does. But when she discovers she can’t deny him, it’s all over for her. She brings down her walls and they begin this highly sexual intensely romantic love affair that moves a lot faster than intended. They go through some crap with his bitchy ex named Angela, and a couple of misunderstandings. The part that will melt you is how sweet Vincent is to Alexa. Her Bi-polar mother grows ill, and ends up in the hospital. Alexa also finds out some pertinent information about her mother’s past that Vincent is so supportive of. All of these things come together very nicely in the end. My absolute favorite part of the book was the epilogue! It is told in Vincent’s POV solely. And I found myself wishing that I had more of this kind of good stuff throughout the book. Ultimately I enjoyed this book, and if you’re looking for a fast paced, whirlwind romance type of book this is definitely for you! Also the sex and dirty talk is VERY present. You won’t be disappointed, I have three words for you: Shower bench scene… There were also some Ahhhhhhh moments.

“Tell me you’ll give us a chance. Before I’m inside of you and make love to you, I need to know?” ~Vincent

“Staring into each other’s eyes, I knew he felt it too. We didn’t speak it, with Vincent we didn’t have to.” ~Alexa

“In a short period of time, fate had brought me my soul mate. I let my walls down and lost all control, allowing myself to fall in love” ~Alexa

“She’s the sexiest woman I have ever seen, and she pushes my limits, not only sexually, but emotionally. Still to this day, I know I will never get enough of her.” ~Vincent