A review by nyxiabel
Crossfire by Malorie Blackman


4.5 Stars, rounded up

The Noughts and Crosses series is one of those series that I believe everyone needs to read, even if only the first book. I was hesitant and excited for the release of this book, but was greatly thrilled with what Malorie produced!


The plot may have started off a bit slow for me and I didn't feel too invested in what was going on, but the second half of the book really took off and THANKS FOR THE CLIFFHANGER. I'll be taking that 6th book now please and thank you. The mystery of WHODUNNIT was intriguing and I couldn't work out whether or not I thought Tobey had done it! A+ for the mystery aspect.


This world is a bit different to the world that was last pictured in the likes of Double Cross. Progress has been made, Noughts are beginning to get further in this Cross dominated world, but it's still difficult and labels are rife. It's concerning seeing the real life links to 2019 and events that are taking place around the world.


Ohhh how I missed these characters. While there are two new characters, Troy and Libby, we still get a lot of Callie-Rose and Tobey chapters. Sephy is often present, but plays a smaller role in this book.

Troy and Libby frustrated the hell out of me. I wanted them both to get their heads out of their arse and THINK for a damn MOMENT! I loved seeing them come together in times of trouble and finally start to see each other for just other human beings in a tricky situation.