A review by sharada_mohan
The Alice Network by Kate Quinn


Wow! Another enchanting historical fiction from the master storyteller Kate Quinn! The readers are at her mercy with this stupendous, powerful & thought provoking read, as she effortlessly crafts a unique storyline that links WWI with WWII.

It’s the year 1947 & American teenager Charlie, wants nothing more than to find her beloved cousin Rose who has disappeared in war torn France. Back in 1915, during The Great War, Eve Gardiner is recruited to serve as a spy in Nazi occupied France, under Alice, who is regarded as the “Queen of Spies”. It is when Charlie’s path crosses with Eve in 1947, they go on a joint mission, each pursuing their own agenda, we get to witness the unravelling of Eve’s past & Charlie’s present & the inextricable connection between them.

Firstly, a huge applause to Quinn’s methodical research & her ability to create such marvelous fictional characters that seamlessly gel with real life ones, integrating a captivating tale around true historical events.

Learning about the “Alice Network” was simply fascinating. Their messaging techniques, the accuracy, precision & speed with which they operated were highly commendable. Hardworking, shrewd, brave & resourceful, Alice, ably supported by her aides Violette, Eve & a number of other people, managed to run the most efficient network in France.

Eve’s “acting” & listening skills, her power to turn her weakness into strength, quick thinking & endurance, are some of the things that make up the heart & soul of this book.

I loved the way Charlie built a rapport with Eve, who had a tough exterior. Her mathematical prowess played out so well throughout the story, enabling her to make the right decisions.

As the ending comes together beautifully with some clever twists you don’t see coming, what you get, are both sweet relief & inconsolable tears.

The Alice Network is about female friendships, of women who are made of iron & steel, with an unwavering drive, passion & fervor for their mission against all odds to serve their homelands.

Definitely recommended to all historical fiction fans!