A review by mojoshivers
Mourn Not Your Dead by Deborah Crombie


The deeper I get into this series, the more I enjoy it. The mysteries are intriguing while not overly complicated. I’m never in danger of disbelief, that what I had just read stretches the bounds of legitimacy. This book was no different. When somebody kills a right bastard of a police inspector, the list of suspects isn’t very long. And as the book goes on, you realize where you’re being pointed. Then as the killer is revealed, it’s not even a surprise if you’ve been paying attention.

What is surprising is the burgeoning love affair between Kincaid and James. They make such a good pair as Inspector and Sergeant; it’s odd to think they could be in love as well. It’d be like Holmes dating Watson. It’s one thing to be dating one’s partner at an investigation agency, but it feels dangerous and against regulations to date one’s superior at Scotland Yard.

At any rate, it does make for a good slow-burning subplot. Four books in and I can tell this is going to be the slowest moving train when it comes to advancing the romance between them. That’s how it should be. The cases should come first and the personal stories second. The Thomas Pitt series by Anne Perry did that very well, and I’m thinking this series as well will ride that formula to success.