A review by ctorretta
Billy and the Cloneasaurus by Stephen Kozeniewski


Trying to describe this book in a few words is going to be very difficult. Using more than a few words will be even more difficult as everything I say can lead to a spoiler!

So, I'm going to take this slowly... First of all! I want to call this adorable! It starts horrific but then just gets cute and crazy and yes it's a dystopian but it's just so much fun!

I fell in love with the characters. Billy is fantastic. I love that he has questions that all stem from this one horrific event from him almost getting slurried and then not. I cannot imagine knowing that my life was that close to being over. I would want to live up every minute and that is exactly what he is trying to do. The sad thing is that he has to go against everything he has been taught and everything he believes in TO live his life to the fullest.

The cloneasuarus!! Can I please adopt one?! I mean, I have five pets already, three of which are huge mutts but this cloneasaurus is just awesome. I so can imagine him being huge and derpy but adorable at the same time. Although he's more like a side kick he was still a huge part of the story and I loved every portion that he was in. And the fact that he didn't like the clone room, totally makes sense to me!

You can tell straight away that this is dystopian. I love, love, love dystopian. It's horrific but you never quite know how much until all the pieces come together and these pieces don't come together until very close to the end. At 74% I was having ahha moments! This is psychological horror at its best. And the really funny thing was, seriously it was also adorable when it wasn't being so horrible! I mean there were times when I had question marks and other times when I just wanted to hug the book and stroke it and call it George! Too freaking cute! And then I was reminded that this was a dystopian and weird stuff starts happening again! How Stephen Kozeniewski is able to blend all of these feelings into one short story is beyond me but it was fabulous!

In short: FAN freaking Tastic! Interesting and very different story with bits of horror and a lot of thought!


This review was originally posted on Creating Serenity