A review by jedi_indyjones
Sugar Plum Ballerinas: Terrible Terrel by Whoopi Goldberg, Deborah Underwood


This was an adorable little chapter book that my girls wanted to read. So, it became the night time book I read to them. They LOVED this book. The first time in a while that the begged me to read the chapter book. Needless to say, we will be reading more from the series. They all learned some valuable lessons from reading this book. Whoopi Goldberg did a fantastic job of making this book from a girl's point of view and put the characters in real life situations that kids have to deal with, like divorce, death, and tolerance. She also was brilliant in involving people of color in the book. It's important for children to know all walks of life to help them gain insight on their own. This is a great children's book, especially if they love ballet.