A review by anniemariek
Mist by Susan Krinard


I won this as an ARC through a Goodreads First Reads giveaway.  I'll admit that what drew me to it was, predictably, Loki.  And Norse mythology in general. 

Mist, the main character, has what I like to call the "surface strong female character" condition.  On the surface, she's what you'd label as a "strong female character".  She can fend for herself and she beats up a bunch of male characters throughout the story.  She's not like Bella Swan.  And yet, there isn't much to her, beyond the fact that she's not a damsel in distress.  There's the action, the fighting, but there's not much depth to her.  That disappointed me.

I was also a little disappointed with the plot.  I was hoping it would be big and grand and epic, but it didn't give me that we've-got-to-save-the-world feeling.  I never got the sense that the world was in danger.  Even thought it was trying to be big, it wasn't. 

Honestly, my favorite part was the prologue.  (I don't know if I've ever said that before.  Ever.)  The WWII Valkyrie action was exciting and intriguing.  I would've gladly read an entire book about Valkyries fighting Nazis, and I would've probably preferred it over the modern storyline.