A review by marissah_joy
The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen


Meh. 3 stars not because it was bad because it wasn’t bad it just wasn’t my kind of book. I don’t know that I will ever leave the fantasy/dystopian genre and feel completely satisfied. I love world building, big fights, and monsters and such so anything that I’ve read about like normal people in a modern world falls flat. This felt like a hallmark Christmas movie but without the Christmas. Kind of surface level conflict, kinda cheesy at parts. It was only like 265 pages so it would be a good book for vacation, a flight or for in between other serious books when you need a breather. It had like “magic” but like hallmark Christmas movie magic lol so unfortunately I don’t count that at all. I think more development of the 2 major romances and a deeper more complex conflict would have set this up to be a better story.