A review by rhaedae
Without a Country: The Untold Story of America's Deported Veterans by J. Malcolm Garcia


I really wanted to like this book, and it's probably why it took me a while to finish (other than school work).

And I assumed J. Malcolm Garcia wanted the reader to sympathize with the deported veterans. However, reading the book made me feel the opposite.

Garcia took until near the end of the book to reveal what the injustice was, other than the deportation of veterans. You then think, "Oh, that's right!" and you sympathize with them. Perhaps if Garcia had revealed this in the beginning, and compared their stories to U.S. citizens in the justice system -veteran or not-it would better explain the disservice to the deported veterans.

Moreover, I feel Garcia putting himself in the story did not fit the narrative. In those moments, it was more about him than the veteran or family member he spoke to, and his "hard times" paled compared to their hard times, which is trying to go back home, the United States. Basically, it was comparing apples to oranges.

Nevertheless, this is a book that informs people about military veterans being deported, and living in the Bunker in Tijuana, Mexico. It's an issue that needs to be discussed and known.

I'm just not sure if Garcia's book is the one to do it.