A review by shouldireadthis
Brackenbeast by Kate Alice Marshall


4 stars.

Things I liked:
- super creepy vibes yet again
- another great horror series like small spaces
- Mr January’s family is rly grim and eerie, which is fabulous and suits this book
- great Halloween atmosphere
- interesting stories about how jack, the hedge witch and the girl with the backward hands fit in - lots of places the author could go with this story in the next instalment and I’m interested to hear more about the girl with the backwards hands

Things I didn’t like:
- characters are less likeable in this book than in the first, pip for example is extremely annoying
- super confusing ending and although this seems like the point it’s very cliff hanger-y and needs more explanation (hopefully via a sequel) to make things slot into place more

Fave quote: ‘I am brilliant at many things. Chores are not among them’ (honestly a vibe, same)

Fave characters: Eleanor/Elle

Worldbuilding: 3.5/5
Plot: 4.5/5
Characters: 3.5/5
Writing style: 4/5