A review by varshiniramaraj
Come On In: 15 Stories About Immigration and Finding Home by Adi Alsaid


I've been into anthologies a lot more because they give me that natural stopping point (which also helps me read more, than pause at a random page, because oh man I can totally finish this short story kinda situation). Would recommend!

I was able to borrow both the audiobook and the e-book from my local library which helped loads, because I could switch between listening to it during walks and reading it while at home.

The Trip by Sona Charaipotra hit me the hardest, I made the mistake of listening to it during work and yeah I did not get any work done while listening to that story. When I was White by Justine Larbalestier was also very well written. Hard to Say by Sharon Morse made me think about talking in a mix of Hindi, English and Tamil with my mostly Tamil-speaking grandma.