A review by ramblings_ofa_booknerd
Ghosted by Sarah Ready


Omigod! I’m in love with sarah ready’s books already and this book was phenomenal. I can say it exceeded my expectations and is one of my favorite reads for 2023! What a beautiful, magical and deeply emotional paranormal love story that will remain in my heart forever! It's about confronting, forgiving and moving forward from your past, dealing with your insecurities and loving the people in your life.

Ghosted was an emotional roller coaster of a ride that had my smiling, laughing and sobbing! I was hooked from the very beginning and could not stop reading! Jillian writes a dating and relationship advice column but oddly struggles with speaking to men in real life. Strangely, she finds herself able to easily communicate with the endearing and hot ghost, Daniel, that appears in her new apartment. Daniel decides to help Jillian find love and overcome her fear of talking to men.

He believes if he can save her from her problem it will help him to move on to the next life. As they spend time together practicing dates and getting to know each other, they develop a deep connection that neither of them can deny. They realize that they could never be fully together because he is a ghost! All of a sudden, Daniel is gone and Jillian is left trying to move on and make sense of it all.

I enjoyed how the characters interacted. Both were likeable and I enjoyed seeing Jillian become more self-confident. She also comes to terms with a painful part of her past and learns to forgive herself. This book does take a little leap of faith as one character is a ghost, but it is so worth it.