A review by menniemenace
Followers by Megan Angelo


Popsugar 2020: A book about or involving social media

This brought out the worst in me. I feel angry and hateful and I can't do anything right now except being annoyed.

The internet is great but it's also the most awful thing that ever happened. Something monumental will happen through the internet and ruin our lives at some point. Influencers aren't intellectual people and no one should blindly follow them. And...?
This is nothing new, people always say that all the time. What is the point of this exactly? I know books don't have to have a raison d'etre, but this was pointlessly disturbing. Bad stuff happens in this book to the point it'll need a big trigger-warning but it'll spoil the twists. However, none of these awful things lead to anything, no character development happens. The characters are bland and dull and they remain bland and dull even after going through and/or causing horrible things. So what's the point?

I love modern dystopia so much, anything based on current risks gets me invested in it and worried after finishing. This didn't. This just made me angry and a little annoyed at the world and gave me nothing to remember it by.