A review by ihateprozac
The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty


Not gonna lie, I absolutely hated this book. Possibly the only thing I did like was how utterly repulsive some of the events and descriptions were - like Regan's masturbation episodes, and the tales of goings-on at Black Mass. Other than that I despised this book, and it frustrated me to no end.

First of all, there are a ludicrous amount of spelling and grammatical errors. Granted, that's not the fault of the author, but it really impeded my ability to enjoy this book. It was SO annoying to have to stop and re-read passages a couple of times because a typo completely changed the context. If I had the time and energy, I'd write a letter to the publisher with a list of errors, because it's pathetic that a 2007 edition is so sloppy.

Secondly, I just fucking hated how hard it was for the priest in the book to accept that Regan might be possessed. He came up with answers for every fucking manifestation - even for furniture levitating and moving across the room. I wanted to claw my hair out, throw the book across the room, and then just scream at the fictional priest to believe it already.

Of course there's going to be doubt about the legitimacy of a demonic possession, and I didnt expect them to come around to that conclusion right away. But for a religious person, I think it was fucking ludicrous that the priest (and doctors!) spent 300 pages coming up with far-fetched reasons as to why it wasn't a posession. *angry sigh*

Thirdly, the characters were frustrating. Really frustrating. Kinderman was incompetent as a detective, and everytime he spoke it made no sense. I so badly wanted Chris to just yell at him that he was a bother, and to fucking spit it out already. And well, I've already mentioned how frustrated I got with Karras...

And lastly, the ending was ridiculously underwhelming. I don't want to spoil it, but it in no way redeems the previous 399 mediocre pages. If you keep reading this book in the hopes that it gets better, you might want to stop now. It doesn't.

Overall: if you have the time to read this book, I highly suggest that you dont. You'll spend your time headdesking and wanting them to cut to the chase. It never happens. The movie is much better than the book, so I suggest you opt for that - and I dont even particularly like the movie. 'The most terrifying novel ever written' - pfft, my ass it is.