A review by rosepetals1984
Girl on the Brink by Christina Hoag


Quick review for a quick read. I feel awful that this book managed to slip past my radar considering it was published back in 2016, but I'm very glad I had the chance to read it now. "Girl on the Brink" is very much a true-to-life, brutally honest story of a young woman coming to terms with an abusive relationship. Chloe's understandably in a rough place in the beginning of this novel - her parents are divorcing, her mother's going through emotional upheavals that occur in cycles of depression - essentially there are pieces of Chloe's life that are falling apart. It makes sense that when Kieran comes into Chloe's life, she's looking for a change of pace from all the other bad relationships she's been through. Kieran seems to give Chloe attention and apt praise, though it quickly becomes clear that Kieran's affections are a bit...too much. At first Chloe thinks this is just how Kieran is, until she realizes his quick turns of mood and ability to twist the truth into raging fits that put her directly in his path of rage. It becomes a matter of whether or not she can help him or get as far away from him as humanly possible.

I rooted for Chloe this entire novel, and I was glad to see her progression despite all the horrible and harrowing events she endures. I thought the primary and secondary characters were given apt time to develop and fleshing out throughout the events of the story. The tension was well placed and the pacing moved very well - there wasn't a moment where I put down this book at all - it had me so invested in Chloe's story and wanting her - as well as her family and friends - to find better places given the events of the novel. Overall, I really liked "Girl on the Brink" and thought it was a great story not only for its respective audience, but shedding light and truth on abusive relationships in a way that's full of empathy and reckoning.

Overall score: 4.5/5 stars.