A review by boundtopleasepa
Scarlett by Cinder Blaze


I was excited about this one

I was loving this story for the beginning 95%, but at about 80% I had this lingering feeling that we didn’t have enough accomplished to end so soon and that’s exactly what happened, the last few pages became so unbelievable and didn’t match the story you had some to love in the first place (and I’m not even including the FMC and the 70 men with the bra wire because you can overlook most unbelievable things and still love a story).

That ending didn’t make a lick of sense, there was no hint towards it throughout, it was almost as if the author said “gotcha, you thought wrong the whole time” but there was no back up to the statement, just a throw away of the whole plot and what made you love the characters. It was weird. The “we knew the whole time, this was always the plan, we have known each other longer than this, that character was actually me, we knew she was backstabbing” didn’t make sense to any feelings or thoughts before hand.

That being said before that ending I was about to post this story all over the place to make people read it.

I LOVED the MMCs and their backgrounds, I absolutely loved that Scarlett bounced between being a Mafia kid and a badass (with her girls! I LOVED them!!) to embracing her soft omega side which I feel is a must in omegaverse, that’s the whole point is the dynamic between the ABOs.

Give it a try, love most of it but beware the ending.