A review by rebelbelle13
Hannah's List by Debbie Macomber


This book was a very fast read, despite the fact than I wasn't that into it. Michael keeps saying that you can't put a time allotment on mourning, and yet his late wife has done just that to him. One year isn't enough time to completely finish grieving for your spouse. Yes, it might be time by then to move on a little, but I feel as though it's too soon to begin dating, let alone considering marriage again. I suppose it would be different for everyone though.
I didn't care for Leanne much, or Macy, for that matter. She annoyed me to no end, particularly because she acted like a child with a severe case of ADD. Sure, I admired her free spirit, but painting her house like a kid's castle? moving from one project to another without commitment? No, thanks. Ritchie was pushy, and Winter was absent-minded. The only one in the whole book I liked was Michael, and he seemed to be like a light switch as well. He hated Macy, hated Macy, and then all of a sudden was head-over-heels in love with her. I had trouble with that transition, to say the least. It was sweet, and ended on a high note, as all Macomber's novels do, but it just wasn't one of my favorites.