A review by sarahlillianbooks
Saints and Curses by Alexis Lantgen


Overall, the collection of short stories were really well done. I don't think I have ever rated short stories higher than 3 stars before. My favourites include Cinnamon Ultra Pumpkinator and Erlkong. I definitely saw the stories get stronger as the book progressed and rated many 4 stars. Alexis has very strong writing skills and may even consider picking up her other work. 

I hope Alexis considers making a few of these stories into full novels or at least novellas so I get to read more of the stories I loved and see more character growth. For example, Cinnamon Ultra Pumpkinator could 100% be worked into something longer. Although Erlkong was short, of course as it is part of a short story collection, it still made me cry. In a few pages Alexis hit me hard in the feels (in the best way). 

Thank you Alexis for sending me Saints & Curses for review!