A review by nadine_booklover
Hard Pass by Sara Ney


3.5 stars

This book surprised the hell out of me. It's a story I didn't expect. I've read this one in one sitting and I had a fantastic time doing so.

The characters are intriguing and have great chemistry. Noah surprised me the most. It was really refreshing reading about a professional athlete who doesn't think he's god's gift to the female world. Noah is humble, absolutely down to earth and sadly full of self-doubt. He's not self conscious about his looks and his effects on women. He's a guy you just want to hug and show him that he's worth loving.
Miranda is great, maybe a little boring character, but she loves Noah for who he is, not what he is or for his looks. She's what Noah needs and it was great following their journey finding each other.

However, I've got a little problem with the story itself. I think it was cut short in the end and I feel like something is missing and there is a lot more to tell. I was left with some questions that I never got answered and I'm quite curious, why Miranda settled to easily in the end without inquiring anything further.

Overall this was a quick and entertaining read in Sara Ney's usual style. If you loved her other books, you'll definitely want to read this one!