A review by wxrldwalker
Glass Town Wars by Celia Rees


You know when you read a book and it's SO GOOD you can't put it down- you take it while you're travelling, while studying, you sneak glances at it and even take selfies with it because it's just THAT good?

Yeah, this ain't one of them...

I agree with the majority when I say that I finished this book and didn't know what the hell I just read. And let me explain. Firstly, the characters were two-dimensional cardboard cut-outs. I couldn't connect with any of them! They had no motivations other than to get out of a bad situation, only to land themselves in another- even worse- setting.

The plot...did you see it? Because I didn't. And let me tell you- the synopsis is there to misguide you. How can you write a book with a synopsis that matches only 2% of what this book is actually about? This Glass Town setting was so interesting but wasn't built upon. The author was trying to create a world initially introduced by the Brontës, and what did she do? She took their imaginations and snippets of writing only to make it dull and boring- even my curries have more flavour than this book!

So in summary, all the things I disliked/hated about this book:

- The characters
- The plot
- The writing style was so fragmented and bland
- The world-building was meh
- There was a villain-ish character in this book that wasn't ever revealed- why he did what he did- and was just as easily caught (wtf!)
- I still don't understand the dynamics of this story
- The descriptions were long and winded
- The romance element was cringy
- Quick POV changes that confused the hell out of me
- the worst thing about this: THERE ARE SO MANY FRICKIN' CHARACTERS!!!

What I remotely liked:

- The Glass Town descriptions (which weren't expanded on- and had so much potential, but alas :'(
it wasn't meant to be- and I can see why this only has about 13 ratings/reviews...

I'm only glad I didn't spend money on buying this trash because it costs a lot and I would punch myself in the face if I spent my money on this...