A review by usbsticky
The Burglar by Thomas Perry


Spoilers below:

This is one of Thomas Perry's stand alone books. The protagonist is a female cat burglar. She burgles rich houses in LA. One day she goes into a house where 2 women and 1 man are shot dead in flagrante delicto. She removes a camera which has caught her entering the room, removes the portion of the vid with her and returns it. After that she finds that she is being tracked by an unknown organization and marked for death. At this point the story becomes like that of The Butcher Boy where she tries to avoid getting killed for most of the middle of the book.

She eventually tracks down the organization that's trying to kill her and discovers that it's a security company gone rogue and killed the 3 clients and is trying to kill her to cover its tracks.

The writing in many ways is similar to other Perry books. For example the protagonist is almost super-human and able to get away with many things, like getting in and out any house without any difficulty, avoiding all sorts of electronic and manual surveillance. Pretty much like gaming on easy level. Also in this book, some of her back story is thrown in. I would say the back story is wasted unless it turns into a series because it doesn't have anything to do with the story.

But overall I like this book because it's easy to read and follow and I actually like the protagonist on easy level. However the plot doesn't seem to be too well thought out or planned, it has a extemporaneous feel to it.