A review by operasara
Alien on a Rampage by Clete Barrett Smith


Alien on a Rampage is the sequel to Aliens on Vacation. This book begins with David returning to his grandmother's bed and breakfast for a second summer. He's excited for another vacation full of responsibility and adventure. Things aren't all he thought they would be. Amy has taken over a lot of responsibility and Grandma's creepy alien repairman Scratchell seems to be hiding something big. Can David save the hotel and the world?

This sequel was just as good as the first book in the series. The mystery was more serious than in the first book but still filled with humor. A great addition to this book was David's alien pet with an insatiable appetite. I laughed and smiled and couldn't put the book down until I finished it. It reads like a funny Disney channel movie.

Appropriateness: There is no adult content in this book and is has a great message. I recommend this book to boys and girls 10-14 with it being completely appropriate for younger readers who aren't overwhelmed with the size of the book.

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