A review by okramsey
No Lasting Burial by Stant Litore


I don't know how to start this review so I will just give it a go. This is my fifth attempt to articulate what I feel. If someone had told me a book about zombies would affect me on such a level I would have never believed them.

This is not just a book about zombies but is also a book about faith. It, like the others in the series, is based on Biblical text. I have never read a non-religious fiction book that was so realistic. I think of all the cliches used to describe things and although they do describe this series they aren't strong enough to explain how this book affected me and how amazingly wonderful it is.

All my English teachers would be appalled at this review but it is hard to explain in a clear and concise manner. To be honest I feel like I should be using exclamation marks for all the sentences.

I won this in a GoodRead's drawing and immediately bought the other 3 in the series thinking I would need to read them in order of release. Not necessary it turns out but I would have bought them after reading this one anyway. It is a unique idea. Amazingly unique. And it makes so much sense.

Ok....I'm done. This a ridiculous review I know. This is one of the 10 best books/series I have ever read. Honestly.