A review by kmcquage
Living Organized: Proven Steps for a Clutter-Free and Beautiful Home by Sandra Felton


This book is probably not quite that good but it gets an extra star for being free. I actually found it helpful on a mental level, to realize that while I can be lazy, laziness isn't the root of all my problems. Some of the problem is how I think. Being able to admit what was wrong but also see what is right with my brain is changing how I think about my own behavior, which is probably the first step to changing it. It's a little early to say but I just did hella laundry and cleaned my boyfriend's kitchen. Who knows what might have happened if I had read it at home?

Updated to clarify: This is NOT a manual to organize your life. For that, there's Real Simple and all sorts of good things. This book describes the difficulty the more "right brained" (not quite an accurate term, but I suppose it will do) or creatively oriented types have staying organized. If you don't think in a notably linear manner, organization doesn't come naturally. The point of the book is to stop downing yourself and really focus and figure out where the source of your problem is. Is it that you are easily distracted? Is it that you are overwhelmed? Is that you just can't decide what to do with things and thus do nothing? If you can pinpoint the problem, you can figure out your own solutions.