A review by meezcarrie
Fly Home to Me by Chalon Linton


4.5 stars

Readers, I have a new book boyfriend. His name is Gabriel Orsini, and between his grins and winks and knee-melting kisses and romantic nature, he’ll leave you swooning in his wake, too. Oh, and did I mention he’s an Air Force pilot? And that when first we meet him, he’s pushing an elderly man’s minivan out of the middle of the road? By himself. You know those IG reels that ask “Worthy of a romance novel?” … well, the resounding answer for Gabe is HECK YES. Seriously, his romantic gestures alone would earn him a place in my book boyfriend collection, but all of his swooniliciousness together is just…. where’s my fan? I grinned. A lot. And I have a feeling you will too.

Piper is a wonderful heroine in her own right. She’s smart and witty and has a good heart. She’s got some walls built up though, thanks to some tough losses in her life, and I really loved that her journey toward healing involved her growing relationship with God AND regular communication with a therapist. I am a firm believer in a counselor or therapist to help us see things from the right perspective when we can’t process all the information and hurt on our own. I confess I may have wanted to (gently & in love) purse whomp her a couple of times because… GABRIEL … but thankfully she comes to her senses without needing my intervention haha. Watching her blossom as she does the work to restore the relationships she’s pushed away is truly heartwarming and encouraging, and because the story is engagingly written from her perspective we get a front row seat to her progress.

Bottom Line: Gabriel & Piper’s journey to happily-ever-after in Fly Home to Me is not always a smooth one but it is super sweet & lots of fun. As I already mentioned, I grinned a lot – in fact, I’m pretty sure my smile was stuck in place through 95% of the book. Once Gabriel fell for Piper, he was all in and gosh there’s something so swoony about that. Piper takes a bit longer to let go of her fears and fully commit in return, but it’s in walking with her through the process that readers will find themselves examining their own hearts, too. This tender romance with plenty of sparks & great kisses also gives us a peek at Air Force life & a new appreciation (and compassion) for those who love an active duty member of the military. The perfect choice for fans of sweet romance with a gentle faith thread!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first reviewed on Reading Is My SuperPower