A review by booksoneveryshelf
The End of the World by Amy Matayo


I’m going to be blunt: I was so excited for the opportunity to review this book, without realizing that it isn’t Christian based. There is a bit of mild cursing, the characters don’t believe in God and live their lives as such, though there are no graphic details. This being the case, the rating and my review reflect my opinions of this book, with the focus on the author’s talent and the book’s merits, rather than the fact that its characters don’t share my personal beliefs.
I’ve read a couple of Ms. Matayo’s books and finished both of them with the assurance of what a fantastic writer she is and as this book ended, I’ve not been more sure of that. I honestly have no idea how Amy ever finished writing this book. Her writing is as beautiful as the tale this book tells is dark and painful. She drew me in from the very first page and I literally read almost all day, immersed in this story of brokenness and pain, but also light and hope. Both Shaye and Cameron have horrifying stories to tell. But even in the midst of their pain, there is hope in unexpected places.
The story follows Shaye and Cameron as they work to survive abuse and neglect as teenagers, then as they try to pick up the broken pieces as young adults. Amy’s writing is so bold and straightforward. She pulls few punches with this book, but rather lets them fly right at your heart. Mine broke more than once as I read and just kept reading, hoping for the characters to find healing and peace, amidst all of the heartbreak. Amy’s unique writing style allowed me to connect with both and Shaye and Cameron, which I loved, but also hated just a bit. Because I felt their pain, too. I hurt when they hurt and this book brought me close to tears more than once. I felt as though I knew both of them almost inside and out. Their story came to life in vivid color and I oftentimes felt as though I was right there with them, living through the worst life has to offer. Despite their heartache and the darkness we are shown, at it’s heart, this is a story of redemption and healing. There is the reminder that even the midst of shattered lives and hearts, there is light and hope. That’s why I continued reading and kept cheering the characters on. Because of that little light of hope that never went out, even when all seemed lost.
I would not recommend this book to someone who is looking for a light read to pass the time. This book shines a light on very difficult topics and your heart will probably break for the characters, but regardless I don’t regret reading it and I imagine it’ll be sticking in my mind for quite a while. The best books do.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author for my honest review, which I have given. I was not required to write a positive review and have not been compensated for it in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.