A review by servemethesky
The Clasp by Sloane Crosley


It seems I'm in the minority among my fellow Goodreads reviewers for loving this book. I thought Crosley did an excellent job assembling a cast of characters and following them from their college days through their postgrad escapades. Being five years out of college myself, the experience of seeing college friends you haven't seen in ages at a friend's wedding and feeling distant and confused about what your friendship was truly like struck a chord with me.

The love triangle between Kezia, Victor, and Nathaniel was amusing, and I appreciated that it wasn't resolved in any typical, predictable way. Instead, Kezia gets to move on from both of them, knowing that she doesn't actually want or need either one of them.

I also appreciated the literary vibes and references throughout this novel. It made it really fun and entertaining. Would definitely recommend this novel for any millennials with a love of literature. It's an amusing read that'll hold your attention. I flew through it in a mere 5 days. Great job, Crosley!