A review by sjj169
The Redeemers by Ace Atkins


Quinn Colson has been out-voted as sheriff in Tibbehah County thanks to the help of the local bad guy Johnny Stagg. His new replacement ends up being an "aw-shucks" kind of guy who just wants things to work out without having to do much for it to do so. Who ends up not being interested in "helping" Johnny Stagg with his business adventures either.
Stagg leaned in and whispered, "I tried to be friendly and he went and got uppity, started talking about integrity."
"Doesn't the man sell insurance?"
"Exactly what I'm talking about here."

So a couple of the local boys team up with a couple of complete idiots to rob the local lumber mill owner because he pissed a couple of them off. They end up with close to a million dollars and some papers that Johnny Stagg does not want made public.

One of the idiots ends up shooting one of the local deputies so that pisses off the local cops including Lillie Virgil. So she starts digging for answers.

Quinn had kinda lost a bit of his edge in this book for me. He is still bad-ass but I swear that dang Anna Lee storyline gets on my nerves. You would think for a man that is supposed to be so smart he would have a clue about her. I'm ready for her to get killed off. I'm sure some redneck in this town should be pissed off enough at her butt by now.

The saving grace of this book was the bad guys that robbed the lumber yard owner. They were so over the top stupid that I immediately rooted for them to win. Too bad for the fact that they were too stupid to live.
One of them has a van that is completely devoted to promoting his love for "Roll-Tide" Alabama football. Decorated to proclaim his love and even has naked pictures of women shellac coated throughout for the idiots viewing pleasure. The stories of Pee Wee Sparks woman winning ways had me cracking up.

So will I read the rest of this series since I've read the first and the fifth book? Probably, I do like Quinn's character enough to want to see what he gets up to next.

"Mrs. Cobb," Quinn said. "You got to give me something. This is not a Lifetime movie."
"Not until I'm dead," she said. "Someone slits my throat and it'll be Midnight in Mississippi or Sheltered Secrets or something like that."
Quinn smiled. "Who would play your part?"
"Maybe Delta Burke," Debbi said. "Before she gained all that weight. Just promise me it will be a real southern woman. I really can't stand some actress making us all sound like g.d. Scarlett O'Hara."

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley.