A review by daphne2000
My Invisible Boyfriend by Susie Day


"Who knew that a fake boyfriend could cause so many real problems?"

Heidi has a problem. All of her friends have gotten significant others except for her. She's not very popular, and with her friends busy with their boyfriends, Heidi spends more time alone than not. Being smart and resourceful, Heidi thinks up the perfect solution: A Fake Boyfriend. A funny, witty, bad-boy boyfriend named Ed. She creates a fake online account for him and even starts IMing her friends pretending to be Ed. But what happens when her friends start talking to Ed about their problems...including their problems with Heidi?

I thought that the author created "Ed" in a pretty realistic manner, and I can almost see this working out in real life.

The synopsis makes it seem like "A Real Boy" who knows that Ed is fake is a big part of the story, but it really isn't. Not to underplay his importance, but he doesn't really show up till the middle of the book, and it's painfully obvious who he is. Their banter over email was still pretty cute though <3

Really, the only problem I had with this book was that Heidi had a bit of a problem talking in capitals and in lines. For example, if she wanted to say "outstanding" she would say:


Not all the time, but still. It was slightly annoying, but I also think it really brought out Heidi's nerdy and slightly dorky personality.

"My Invisible Boyfriend" is a quick, fluffy read, but if you can't stand teenage romance or teenage drama, I wouldn't recommend picking it up.

Also, can I just mention that this book had an openly gay character and it wasn't a big deal at all? That's pretty great :)