A review by beckiebookworm1974
Condemn Me Not: Accused of Witchcraft by Heather B. Moore


where to start, I have always been interested in history and have had a fascination in what I have heard about the Salem witch trials. But as where past publications have focused more on the proceedings and accusations, and I found even through being gripped and appallingly focused on these disgustingly disgraceful and inhumane actions from supposedly human Christian beings, that it was the achingly beautiful love story between Susannah and George that set this apart. everything else, in my opinion, was background noise to the real story, the human being behind the supposed witch Susannah North Martin the mother, the sister, the daughter and wife and what a woman she was.The whole time I was reading I was on the verge of tears the contrast to the young Susannah starting off her life journey and then being in that awful cell facing that abysmal future of death by hanging and knowing she had also lost her George seven years earlier well it really got to me (second book this year to make me cry sigh). I think it was also the knowledge that the author was Susannah's descendant and knowing that we are dealing with real historical events it just made it more vivid and real, I just wanted Susannah and George to be reunited even if it was in death. my overall impression of condemn me not is this is a profound deeply emotional piece of history and fiction beautifully woven together. I received a free e-copy of this book and this is my own honest opinion.
