A review by rachelbuckley
The Sum of Us: Tales of the Bonded and Bound by Juliet Marillier


This book truly shows the sacrifices caretakers make each and every day. Through all of these stories, the central message of love and sacrifice is carried, which makes this a happy, impactful read. However, like most anthologies, some stories were better than others, and there was one story I couldn't even make it through because it bored me so much. My favorites, if anyone was curious, were "Mother Azalea's Sad Home for Forgotten Adults," and "Dreams as Fragile as Glass." I feel like an older audience or those who have experienced being a caretaker for themselves would enjoy this more than I did, but overall I did have a good reading experience with this book and I would possibly read it again if I had a hard copy.

PS: That cover though <3