A review by caseythecanadianlesbrarian
Plenitude Magazine by Rachel Rose, Sugar Le Fae, Jay Torrence, Caitlin Crawshaw, Faye Guenther, Amal Rana, Serena Lukas Bhandar, Will Vallieres, Mette Bach, Andy Quan, Bradley Jay, Jane Byers, Shawn Syms, Eaton Hamilton, Shannon Webb-Campbell, Nat Marshik, Andrea Routley, Trevor Corkum


The fourth issue of Plenitude is both a little new and what I’ve come to expect from this high-quality, diverse collection of writing by queer people. What’s new, you ask? Plenitude now comes in a print version! I was so excited to get mine in the mail, and then get to parade it around on BC ferries while I was reading it. Look everyone, at this awesome queer literary magazine! Did you know it’s your queer literary magazine? There’s just something about having a text in tangible, print form that just doesn’t compare to electronic versions. Fine, call me a luddite if you want to.

So, what about that what-I’ve-come-to-expect part? Let’s have a look!

The first story that really caught my attention was a cute bisexual first kiss story by Edmonton-based Caitlin Crawshaw. There were a few phrases that really captured the difficulty of not fitting into the homonormative narrative of identity, like “I am trapped in that awkward space between the breeders and the queers.”

See my full review at: