A review by audreyliz964
The Girl Before by JP Delaney


I was disappointed with this book. It had the chance to be a good book, and I stuck with it, giving it the chance to live up to my expectations, but it didn't. Why? There are several reasons.

The book started out with great potential. I was very intrigued by the murder mystery part of the story line, and in fact, if I disregard everything else, that part alone was quite good. It had some good twists and I didn't expect the culprit to be who it actually was. That said, the things I was disappointed with overshadowed my intrigue with the murder mystery part of the story line.

For one, the voices of the two main characters often felt way too similar to me. Often, I would forget whose head I was in and have to turn back to check. Tacking onto this, I would also frequently forget which things happened to which girl. By the end, the events were different enough for me to distinguish whose perspective I was reading without having to look back, but it definitely took me a while.

The second, and also the main reason I ended up not liking this book a whole lot was the man, Edward. I couldn't stand him. He's very, very controlling and not a good guy at all, and yet somehow, both of these women were falling over themselves for his affection.
Spoiler I kept waiting, thinking that by the end of the book, he would get what he deserved and the women would realize how terrible this man is, but THEY NEVER DID. They were both still head over heals in lust over him until the very end, and that, ultimately, is the main reason I did not care very much for this book.
Having dated someone who was very controlling, I couldn't stand the way this horrible man was painted in such a good light, as if this is the type of man who should be desirable for women. I'm sorry, but they're wrong.

Overall, this book gets an "eh" rating from me.