A review by snowyshallows
Seven Psychics by J.C. Diem


My main emotion concerning this novel is DISAPPOINTMENT (it was a DNF so first impressions i guess)

I read the sample and thought the MC was a strong independent woman and didn't need a man *NO JOKE*

I loved that she was an expert sniper and her skills were sought out by the elite TAK squad and didn't spend much time talking about dating, makeup, or etc except it was just to set ground that she doesn't think about it. The author went out of her way to make her MC the badass character who doesn't automatically see guys as dating material...except she does when she meets whatshisface from the squad. The MC that was trying to be unique went full cliche and starts falling all over herself for this guy.

It was lust at first sight of course which includes abs, biceps, douchey fohawks, and not realizing the man really DOES NOT want you there but that just adds to the romance right? gives the so-not-totally-cliche "I totally don't want you here" hate into "I can't live without you" kinda love. And then she constantly makes an idiot out of herself ever since. Are you so seriously lusting after this guy that you spread your peanut butter on the counter and not the bread??? WTF.

OK I get the idea of going totally brain dead at the sight of seeing a hot guy right out of the shower but since the MC is supposed to be this "badass" she has a bunch of instances of hiding her emotions and seem like the perfect soldier like being cool over seeing a dead body for the first time, but freaks the f*ck out at the first sight of aaaaaaaabbbbbbbssssssss *falls to floor* *brain leaks out of ear*