A review by spilt_moonlight
The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect by Roger Williams


An intriguing read.
The book started off sharp and intense, perhaps too sharp for some, and retains its edge for most of the way. The graphic sex and violence, while not without a purpose, is quite squicky, and if this were a fanfic, would make the pure-cinnamon-rolls screaming "Where is my trigger warning?"
Jokes aside, I was pleasantly suprised. MoPI manages to fit AI, singularity, BDSM, Asimov's laws of robotics, morality and the question of "what measure is a non-human" in one short story. It poses some interesting questions (with equally interesting, if disturbing, hypotheses). Still, there was a bit of a lull in the end, starting right after The Fall. The story wraps up nicely, but I feel a little lost.