A review by mrs_ayn
Undressed by Avery Aster


3.5 Sexy Stars

Boy oh boy was this book hot.
Massi is this sexy prince that you want to lick from head to toe, and parade in front of everyone you know.
He's a man that I found perceived as a jerk and selfish at first, but then you get to know the character and see that it's not the case.
And let's be honest here, every girl loves an accent on a guy. But I had no idea that it was just as hot if the accent was written.
Massi, you can call me bella anytime you want. (please do)


And Lex, girl, you made me laugh out loud, which is something not many books have done.

"You may call me Lex, not Bella. this isn't Twilight."

"Lex was many things, but a good dancer did not top her list. I can fist pump. I take Zumba. I have spirit fingers. I don't waltz to classical music."


This book was funny, romantic, and fun.
The only thing with this book is I felt like it was all a bit fast.
Sadly, not in a 'I never want this book to end' way, but more like ''These characters fell in love way to fast.'
I don't get why authors feel the need to rush it; Make it last. Make them work for their love a little.
Since it was so quick, I didn't have time to see how actually in love they were.

But other than that, this book was good.
Recommended to all that have a spare pair of panties.

*Copy of this book provided by author/publisher through Edelweiss.*