A review by eatingfiction
From Spare Oom to War Drobe: Travels in Narnia with My Nine-Year-Old Self by Katherine Langrish


This is a beautifully balanced book. It's full of insights into Lewis's themes & influences throughout the stories of Narnia, showing what he's saying and where he may have been inspired from. There were many connections and ideas I had never noticed. It was truly fascinating as a literature nerd.
At the same time, the author brings in the perspectives of her Nine-Year-Old self, the young girl who truly, deeply loved this series. It was great (and relatable to my own childhood) to get the insights of her personal experience.
Despite her obvious deep love for the books, Katherine Langrish does not hesitate to discuss the more difficult, controversial, and challenging topics. And she doesn't sugarcoat it. Was C.S. Lewis racist? Sexist? Why, why on Earth, did he do that to poor Susan? She tackled these questions with honesty & great depth.

I highly recommend this as a companion for rereading the Chronicles of Narnia. My only real gripe is that it follows the chronological order for the series, whereas I prefer publication order... but that's just me.