A review by courtney_saba
Seven Sins of Snow by Loxley Savage


***Maybe some slight spoilers ahead, but all very vague anyway*** Overall: 2 stars
There's just something about vampires that gets me all hot and bothered. They will always be a guilty pleasure. However, while I was intrigued by the twist in the Snow White and Seven Dwarves fairytale, it just didn't succeed in fully enthralling me. I seriously almost DNFed this and I never DNF.

The evil queen was bland, childish, immature, and annoyingly irritating, like a screaming child that got its toy taken away. She was never "evil" or scary, and did not seem like the right characterization for a being that's been alive for centuries. Plus, she took such a backseat to the sexy times in this book that she lost even the small amount of villainy that she was given in the book. I truly forgot about her to be completely honest.

The seven kings were generally enjoyable and the reverse harem nature was naughty, but overall, it just seemed like instalust and instalove, with no genuine character development or backstories or layers. "Look at how beautiful Snow is, she's mine, mine, mine without us even having a conversation with her." Listen. I love me some erotic smutty moments (especially vampires because I love them so much and trust me, I was fanning myself during the plethora of repetitive sex scenes in this book to a certain point), but to let me connect with the characters, I needed a little more than "take me because I'm wet all of a sudden and I've never seen you before but you're beautiful and I must obey you to defeat the evil queen." *rolling eyes until I can see my brain*

Maybe because the author wrote a standalone and didn't give herself time to flesh out the characters and the individual relationships with Snow and each other, but I just couldn't give a shit about any of them (maybe with the exception of Lucian since the author gave a little bit more time with him than the others, but he was still not a 3D type of character).
Everything was just thrown in there. Not only are these seven kings gorgeous, all well-endowed, with healing blood and dominion over their subjects, but they had additional powers that just didn't make sense. As if the author was like "I have all these ideas and I'm going to oversaturate my characters with these ideas and make them unbelievably powerful but also--" and just kept going with it.
Snow was strong. But she seriously made some stupid choices. And here we go with another special snow(ha)flake syndrome. Everyone wanted her, she was part of a prophecy, fate was on her side, she was all powerful and the most beloved thing next to sliced freaking bread. I hate this dumbass trope.

The setting and worldbuilding was lackluster and incomplete. The author tried to explain the ways of the vampires and the evil queen's presence in their history, but it was just vague and ambiguous. I wanted more detail and more explanations. This was just one of the very weak points of this story.

The author was also super optimistic about village peoples' emotions and capacity to look for scapegoats and ability to offer forgiveness. Too optimistic, if you ask me. The people of Riverwood were unrealistic and one dimensional. And where the hell did the rebellion and the snowflake go?! As if the author forgot all about this.

Plot? Seriously? What plot? Kill the queen, let's fuck, PREPARE MY SUBJECTS first speech, let's fuck x2, ooooh blood, FUTURE QUEEN OF THE WORLD, lets fuck x3, x4...oh, we have a battle to prepare for, PREPARE MY LOYAL AND NAIVE AND EASILY FORGIVING SUBJECTS fifth speech, oooooh seven kings, lets fuck x5, DIE EVIL QUEEN, oooh lets have a 8thsome. That's it.

So many plot holes, weak points, vague descriptions, and gratuitous character perspectives. Too many to not think about without giving this book a blind eye to everything but the sex.

Would I re-read this book? No.
Would I recommend this book? If you're okay with literally everything about a story being shitty except the sex, and love anything to do with vampires? Then yes. Otherwise, I wouldn't even bother.
Was I entertained? Sure, though I had to skim a lot because I was tired of Snow's perspective and whining and stupid choices and stupidly long speeches and instalust and SpEcIaL SnOwFlAkE syndrome. The only entertaining thing about this story was the vampire aspect.

Peace out, my vampire loving goodreads fiends.