A review by sc104906
We Are the Wildcats by Siobhan Vivian


I received this as an eARC from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

The night before the first scrimmage of the girl's field hockey season is primed with emotion and need. At the end of last season, the Wildcats lost the championship that they should have won. Returning players have wrongs to right and new players are desperate to show that they belong. This novel is told through several perspectives. It takes the reader through the party/sleepover the night before the scrimmage. When the coach begins digging into the team's "faults", they are determined to show that they are hungry for a win by completing various pranks throughout the night.

The coach sucks throughout. I completely disliked him. It was obvious the role he filled. This book was a slow burn. I absolutely loved the last 50 pages and they redeemed the rest of the book, to the point that I will willingly and frequently recommend this book. I actually wish I could have spent more time with these characters after the book had ended. I think it is an important story to add to the #MeToo movement and will start conversations.