A review by meepelous
Fight Fascism! by Susan Simensky Bietila, Peter Kuper, Jordan Worley, Isabella Bannerman, Seth Tobocman


A very diverse collection of types of things combining visuals and words, as this is more of a magazine (historically) this anthology actually includes ads for different leftist stuff, which was kind of fun. Each piece is only one to four pages long. So a good bathroom book I suppose or coffee table if you have one of those.
While most of the artwork is largely black and white there's also a short selection at the middle in colour.

Just about half of the pieces are focused pretty tightly on Trump, which does lead to a severe lack of gender diversity being shown (although there are plenty of white women supporting him). That said, there were a number of really well-done stories about people on the female side of the binary and they or their family's immigrant experience, which was obviously super prescient. There's also the well-titled "A Sheltered White Girls Decent into Lesbianism & The Far Left" which was some of the only sexuality representation other than commentary on Trump's entitlement to other people's bodies.

As far as race goes, there were a lot of limitations on representation due to the strong focus on Trump and his most notorious underlings. A couple of the immigrant stories do fall outside of the current social construct of whiteness though, and the colour section is mostly focused on ICE and immigration detention. Although Trump's sexual transgressions got a lot more space than his racism, perhaps that was easier to gloss over earlier in the administration IDK.

As always with short stories anthologies, I feel like I might have missed some disability representation but I don't think so... We need more disability representation!

Overall I found this collection pretty interesting, I guess the one shortcoming that I started feeling about this issue while I was reviewing it was just how much time was given to just showing Trump - generally uglified which is a whole 'nother issue. I can see why it's a thing, but at the same time why let him (and discussions about him) take up so much space when we could be talking about how other people relate to fascism?