A review by sabesaw
Boys Run the Riot, Volume 3 by Keito Gaku


I still really enjoyed this volume, but I have a huge issue with how they handled Tsubasa outing Ryo in the last volume. Because of that I found Tsubasa's backstory a little annoying and very ill timed. I Tsubasa's story is important, but the delivery could have come at a different time.

Another reviewer pointed out how unresolved the forced outing felt and I agree. Maybe Ryo and the other characters are nicer than me, but it could have been handled better. More is under the spoiler tag as to not spoil anything for others. 

While I did still enjoy this story I droped it down a star due to the aforementioned things. Can't win them all.

SpoilerI don't appreciate that Tsubasa outing Ryo was mostly treated as okay. I know they briefly got called out for it, but to me it felt mostly brushed under the rug. Not only was there little retaliation or response to the forced outing, but several characters made it out like it is okay that Ryo was forced to come out. All because "no one needs to be ashamed of who they are." Which of course is true, but that doesn't excuse someone outing someone on a large public social media platform. I do not recall many, if any, of them truly making sure Ryo was okay and letting him know it's okay to be angry that someone didn't give them the choice to tell people when they were ready. The way it was handled in this volume was pretty irresponsible and dangerous to me. I can't imagine someone uninformed reading this and thinking it is okay to out someone else because "no one should be ashamed to be themselves."

The fact that this volume then has Tsubasa's backstory right afterwards made it worse for me. And like I said earlier maybe Ryo is nicer than me, but I can't imagine helping out the person that outed me to the world. I don't think Tsubasa deserved illwill and all the hate and backlash they got, but I think it was strange that Ryo helped them after being forced to come out. That part was a little too "happy ending" fictious for me.