A review by pauliree
Adventures of the Teen Furies by MaryJanice Davidson


When I saw the title and author of this book I immediately assumed it was going to be a light hearted urban fantasy for teens. After all, this is the author who brought us Betsy the vampire queen. But this, although certainly not dark, is not all that lighthearted and is also not at all a fantasy. It is merely about a group of teens who get together to play some V&V (Villains and Vigilantes) a not very subtle rip off of D&D and the various group dynamics that occur. I didn't find it all that interesting as the themes are extremely teen oriented and I had no fantasy to distract me from this. I did enjoy some aspects of it but overall, while I think teens will enjoy it, I thought it was a bit ordinary. Perhaps it was because I loved the Betsy series and Fred the mermaid series as well, my expectations may have been a little high.