A review by soph_reads_too_much
Just One Day by Gayle Forman


I have had this book on my bookshelf for years! So I am pleased that not only did I finally get round to reading it, but I also thoroughly enjoyed it.

I did find the beginning to be a bit slow paced but then it suddenly picked up and soon enough I couldn’t put it down.

I loved the characters and loved how Allyson was discovering who she was as a person and not who her parents or her friends wanted her to be. I think reading this book as I am finishing high school just like Allyson just finished high school made it even more relatable as she begins to discover herself outside of school.

I loved the descriptions and imagery. As someone who has been to Paris and fell in love with it, part of the book being set in Paris and Forman’s gorgeous descriptions of Paris made me fall even more in love and I can’t wait to go back one day.

The ending did frustrate me though. Just because I felt that there was such a big build up and then it just ended right before we could hit a climactic end. I do know that there is a sequel and then a short novella as well and I plan to read both soon so I am hoping that those will help with the ending of the story.

Overall this was an enjoyable read and for those of you who have read Forman’s other book, ‘If I Stay’, don’t worry, it isn’t as sad. I just truly hope there is more of a resolved ending within either the sequel or the novella.