A review by thecatochronicles
Demon Slave by Kiersten Fay


I was excited to read book 2 of the Shadow Quest series by Kiersten Fay since I so greatly enjoyed book 1, Demon Possession, when I read it last year. However, I was disappointed with the scope and character development here. Demon Slave did a good job of continuing the major plot line established in book 1 but lacked the depth that I so enjoyed.

Marik, who I liked as a supporting character in Demon Possession, often annoyed me as the hero in this book. His actions and thoughts, along with Nadua’s (his love interest/counterpart), were irritating. They were so stubborn and distrusting. I could concede some understanding on Marik’s part based on the history established in book 1, but Nadua’s constant mistrust, anger, and temper-tantrums seemed to come out of nowhere. She had lived a relatively easy life especially in comparison to her sister Anya.

Overall, the story was just too short, vague, and unfinished. It read like a pointless filler episode of a long running TV series where you just go, “Why the heck did they have to include this?” It was a sad let down after my excited reception of the beginning of the series. At least I wasn’t deterred from finishing the series based on this book because Demon Retribution more than made up for what was lacking here.