A review by the_coycaterpillar_reads
The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden by Jessica Sorensen


The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden hopelessly raw and heart-breaking. A love story that will keep you glued to the pages.

This book is full of content warnings. There’s self-harming, parental abuse and rape. I don’t think anything I write could prepare you for what you’re about to read. Unfortunately crap things happens to good people and that is a tale as old as time. There’s nothing we can do to change it, evil people exist in this world and they will continue to do bad things. This is what The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden is all about. A coincidental meeting of two souls during hard times in both their lives. Kayden trying to survive through the abuse of his coward father, and Callie saving him from further harm, she has a secret of her own, one that has pushed her to alter her appearance from beautiful to appear as ugly as possible.

Callie & Kayden have always lived in the same town. They’ve had two very different upbringings. Kayden has a life of privilege and a promising future career as a football player. But you can’t always see what happens behind closed doors, he carries the burden of a violent father, the scars are deep, and he tries to cope with the pain by inflicting further wounds upon himself. He has a girlfriend but really that is only for appearances sake, he feels incapable of feeling anything on an emotional level but it suits his needs for now.

Callie has been the butt of everyone’s jokes since the age of twelve. Everything changed for her at that age, the way she viewed the world, how she viewed herself and the relationships she forged in the world. She altered her appearance and since then her mum and dad worried about her intentions and the why. They took her to a therapist but for some reason it was concluded that she wasn’t getting enough attention at home. She’s told no one about her dark secret. She resents her brother, and he feels the same way for putting their mum through hell the last few years. But did anyone actually try to peel back the layers, did anyone really question enough why it all changed at age twelve.

They both escape their subsequent difficulties in life by moving away to college. They literally bump into each other again four months after Callie saved Kayden from further harm from his father. Initially he doesn’t recognise her because she has reinvented her image again and she’s developed a friendship with Seth. It throws him because she was known as being a loner who did nothing. Callie has finally found someone that she can trust 100% its refreshing. He knows her secret and is the big brother figure that she should’ve had. He protects her and yet pushes her at the same time to just give life a chance. He’s everything she needs.

Callie & Kayden are terrified at the pull of their connection. Its like electricity, the tension between them fizzles. As they spend time together they realise that they might just be what the other needs to heal and trust again. Callie is frightened that she might push him away with her dark demons and Kayden thinks that if Callie knew everything about him, she might not want to be with him. Little do they know that they have more in common than they realise.