A review by leelah
Cat Tales, by Faith Hunter


"The Early Years"

Short story that's shedding some light on Jane's childhood years in Catholic orphanage.
We know she has no recollection of what happened to her before she stumbled from woods as a kid. She didn't know language and we find out she was perceived as feral child.
That and Beast's voice she had to practice to suppress didn't make her very popular among other kids, so she was a loner right from the start. We also know she took bullied kid under her wing.
Beast and memories makes her finally goes to place that's calling to her.
In terms of series this is all important for several things:
1) growing up with nuns is the reason why religious beliefs have such a strong influence in Jane's life, or at least affect her decisions.
2)The fact that she was loner and didn't have true friend at all makes us understand better why is her friendship with Molly so important to her.
3)she always had strong protective instinct.

Again, this is too short for me to rate it on basis that would give much credence to it, but as you can read, I got something from it anyway.
"Cat Tats" - 3,5 stars

Ok, this story is a bit more meaty comparing to two that precede in timeline.
This is a story behind Rick's tats.
The most interesting thing about Rick's ink is the fact that it's depicting two of Jane's most important forms. It can't be a coincidence and this story put an answer to it:
It's a fate thing and they are meant to cross their paths.
I suppose it would be a bit different if witch who spelled his ink waved his future, but the way I figured it out of this story is that it was out of her hands. It puts a certain gravity on their relationship as it is.

It also opens a possible plot in future since his ink is a dangerous thing. (view spoiler)
Cat Tats is told from Rick's pov in third person narrative style. I was never a big fan of his (more like completely indifferent towards him), so I was consciously making an effort to get invested.
The fact that his family is influential and that he is a good Catholic boy was mentioned in books, but here we get some confirmation on that. That he is reckless and that there is no line he wouldn't cross in order to finish his mission is mentioned, shown AND again confirmed here. All in all, I got to know some things about him, but I am still not sold. I find that every book set in NOLA apparently has to have ladyman, "Gambit" character and Rick is playing the part. I hope that events from Mercy Blade will make his character develop in some other, more interesting direction.

On whether you should read this: If you are fan of Rick - definitely yes. If you are fan of series, it wouldn't be bad, but it's not really necessary, imo.


So, we know that Molly's friendship is one of things Jane treasure the most in her life. But did you ever wonder how are these two notoriously secretive women used to hiding come to be best friends?
I did and it didn't surprise me that their secrets is what joined them in the first place.

Too short for me to rate it on basis that would give much credence to it, but it marks one of the most important events in Jane's life, even if it doesn't add to overall story.

Blood, Fangs and Going Furry - 4 stars

Ok, this book is what I missed before I dived into [b:Raven Cursed|11053874|Raven Cursed (Jane Yellowrock, #4)|Faith Hunter|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327191717s/11053874.jpg|15321609]. With all other stories, I would say you can read them, but it's not necessary. With this one, I say it's better to read it since it provides necessary answers on how the hell Rick ended up being in North Carolina with Jane.

Story is told from Rick's pov and it's set right after [b:Mercy Blade|8100979|Mercy Blade (Jane Yellowrock, #3)|Faith Hunter|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388337237s/8100979.jpg|10885471], when Jane and Rick meet on street in front of her rent house.
There is a lot of unresolved things between them at that point, mainly their relationship and we can see it's troubling Rick and we see that Jane is aware of that, too.
But don't look for this story because you want to see what would happen with them as a couple- time needs to pass for them to have that talk and they will have sort of closure in book #4.
This story is about Rick's new cat shifter status, his first moon and just how he ended up with Kemnebi in woods of Sterling Mountains.
Important bit of story since it will make you frown and wonder (like it happened to me) when you start reading book #4.
I also found interesting how resentful Rick is toward George... I don't think he's even aware he is his rival for Jane's affection, but intuition and all that. :)