A review by evermoresversion
Binding 13 by Chloe Walsh

Did not finish book. Stopped at 31%.
DNF | 
hell the fuck no.
because of everyone raving about this book, my expectations were high, but <u>come on</u>… this was the most cringy book i’ve ever read (and i only managed to read 250 pages of it).

the writing was <u>worse</u> than most books on wattpad (yes, i wish i was kidding). the MMC said the word ”fuck” in <u>every</u> sentence. it was so immature and stupid. not to mention, that the FMC is <u>15 years old</u> and all the guys keep on sexualizing her. it’s fucking weird.

idk how y’all are crying sad tears over this book, the only tears i shed were those of relief when i decided to DNF.