A review by darakuhn
Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone by Diana Gabaldon

Did not finish book. Stopped at 33%.
318 pages. I’m done. I think I’m done with this world and this series. I can’t push myself through this. 

Authors must earn our trust and the KEEP it. I’m not kept. I skipped the entire first half of Firey Cross because reviewers I trusted said it wasn’t worth it. I’m not doing this again.

What is even going on? 

I want to understand the magic! I want to know why some can travel and others can’t!  

I’m so bored with the William and John chapters. I’m sorry…. Snore. All the pining for Jamie… from EVERYONE. He’s not like other boys… I guess? 

Okay. I gave it a good shot. I can’t keep swimming through this.